2012 Octagon Conference

2012: Reimagining Health Care; Making Health the Goal

Health care reform is presenting significant opportunities for redefining all aspects of health care: which services for which conditions under which circumstances; how those services and providers are organized; how care is delivered; and the economic organization of the transactions that fund the system.

Great attention is being paid to the concepts of a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO). These models may prove to be vehicles that are broadly adopted as health care reform continues to unfold.

If they are, what are the opportunities, perils, threats, and rewards for various professions already engaged in health care–but rarely in a coordinated fashion? Is care integration required? By whom, and under which circumstances? Many more questions exist than answers.

The Octagon brought together significant voices and stakeholders to address these and other questions in an effort to develop templates for health homes and ACOs that incorporate a broad spectrum of health care options–especially as the need for wellness promotion in vitalistic terms becomes more clearly understood–and economically important.

Conference agenda, video, pictures and sponsors can be viewed on the 2012 Conference page.
